Monica French-Voice Actor
Language proficiency--French, Spanish, German; some Italian, Russian and Latin
College study of linguistics (English and French)
University of Poitiers,1992, program about using video in language instruction. Participants worked in teams to produce Tout est bien qui finit… including concept, dialog, filming, editing and creation of ancillary materials for classroom use
The World in my Backyard 1998
Won a grant from the Greater Capital Region Teacher Center to produce a video about how residents of Capital District use world languages in careers
Located and interviewed people in different professions
Wrote script and participated in editing
Recorded the narration
NYSAFLT Media Presenter of the Year Award, 1999--statewide recognition from NY State Association of Foreign Language Teachers for The World in my Backyard video
Narrator of school district budget documentaries for Scotia-Glenville and South Colonie 1999-2000